100% Donation Policy

Empowering Communities

We Currently Operate In The Following:

| Balochistan | Khyber Pakhtunkhwa | Punjab | Sindh

Our Empowering Communities Projects

We have provided hundreds of businesses with interest-free loans to help them create career opportunities and sustainable living for their families. The loan is paid back in very easy affordable payments, bridging the gap of the poverty circle. We provide 10,000PKR to 100,000PKR interest-free loans for a Rozgar Scheme (new Business) on the bases of whatever an individual can afford to pay back. Currently, we have helped hundreds come out of the poverty line. Your donation and support will allow many to empower and build a better future for them and their families.

Our Projects

How You Can Make A Difference

Interest-Free Business Loans

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A mid-aged man sat at his stall which was sponsored through Muazzam Foundation's Empowering Communities project

We have provided hundreds of businesses with interest-free loans to help them create career opportunities and a sustainable living for their families. The loan is paid back in very easy affordable payments, bridging the gap of the poverty circle. As the old proverb says “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” Help a needy person start a business from as little as £100

Food Cart
Upgrade To Existing Business
Retail Unit

Rozgaar Scheme

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A line of men with wheelbarrows in Pakistan to help them earn a livelihood

Like our interest-free business loans project, this project also aims to support youth and women in highly vulnerable minority populations with limited or no access to livelihoods and income generation opportunities. However, the main difference being these are not loans but financial aid given to poor individuals to source an asset they can use to generate income from. These assets are generally made up from one single item.

Sewing Machine
Tool Pack Kit
Refurbished PC/Laptop
Food Cart
Khoka (Wooden Hut) Shop
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