Qurbani 1445 | 2024
“It is neither their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah, but it is piety from you that reaches Him.”
(Qur’an 22:37)
Other Donation Options
Donate By Bank Transfer
If you would prefer to make a direct bank transfer, please find our details in the card here. When making your transfer, please include the project/appeal you are donating to in the reference field to ensure your money goes to the intended destination.
Account Name: Cpt. Muazzam Ali Shaheed Welfare Foundation
Sort Code: 20-20-50
Sadaqah Account No: 73685217
Zakat Account No: 43670406
Sadaqah Acc IBAN: GB44 BUKB 2020 5073 6852 17
Zakat Acc IBAN: GB55 BUKB 2020 5043 6704 06
Paypal Account: [email protected]
Paypal Link: www.paypal.me/muazzamfoundation
Donate Through Paypal
Alternatively, you can make a payment through paypal. Our paypal account details can be found here along with a link which will take you directly to paypal.
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Get a payment link sent directly to you. Simply message us via text or email with your desired amount and the project/appeal to which you would like to donate towards.